
Thankfully the weather forecast called for a few clouds one morning while the hubs and I were camped out in the OBX. If you didn't know, a few clouds are a vital recipe for an amazing sunrise. Another recipe is the determination to set your alarm clock to go off well prior to the sunrise.
Here's my problem. I'm in love with every single one of the photos above. I can't commit to printing every single one because I have a minor confession to make:
I've never printed a single picture that I've taken with either of my two SLRs.
I know. It's insane. I've had cards made and I've received birth announcements in the mail with photos I've taken, but I'ver never once printed a photo for myself. It's a bad habit and it's one I'm trying to break.
With that being said - which one would you print? What size would you get it?
I'm actually leaning towards a metal print rather than a traditional canvas because of the colors. I'm really torn between photos #2 and #6, but every time I think to add one to a print lab cart one of the others starts to give me a guilt trip.
This is why I don't have any of my photos hanging up in my house! It's NUTS.
Do you display the photos you've taken? Where do you display them?
I'm slowly adding the rest of our vacation photos to my Flickr Photostream.
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