Catching a late flight home from Phoenix on Friday night.
Our little baby girl, Jewels, turned seven over the weekend. At some point I know we'll have to stop referring to her as a puppy, but I just don't know how we'll ever get this image of her out of our heads:
Baby Jewels on her very first day with us. Poor girl had never even been out of a house before and then we snatched her away from her mom and everything she knew. Holy crap we sound like horrible people!
It's okay, we spoiled her our love over the past seven years.

This past weekend was rough. I didn't get home until close to 2am on Saturday morning (or late Friday night depending on your perspective) and the hubs didn't get home from Louisiana until 6pm on Sunday. It was a pretty low-key weekend filled with unpacking, laundry, re-organizing the linen closet, shopping, cooking, reading, and lots of puppy time.
What did you get into over the weekend?
Awww Happy Birthday Jewels!!! You're one lucky pups!