I can't wait to tell my future children that I was a part of what will most likely be the most historical election of my lifetime.
I can't wait to tell my future children that I voted in every presidential election where I was old enough to vote.
I can't wait to tell my future children that I got their father to register to vote.
I can't wait to tell my future children that I got their father to vote.
I can't wait to tell my future children that if they work hard enough, then they can achieve anything they can dream.
I can't wait to tell my future daughter, if I am so lucky to have a daughter, that she can grow up and become the president. For that is my greatest dream today, that as these barriers are coming down, the rest will continue to fall.
I can't wait to tell my future children that their world is better than mine. That they live in a world where it doesn't matter what religion you practice, the color of your skin, where you are born, what school you attend, the gender they were born, who they fall in love with, because in their world people are judged only on their merits.
The truth of the mater is this, I don't agree with President Obama on every issue. Actually, I have quite a few differences with his policies, but today isn't about me. Today will be remembered as a day that transcends normal politics. Today will be remembered as the day when America decided it was ready to take the next step. Also, today isn't just about President Obama, it's about the millions of people who voted for him. Those people said, "I trust this man to be the leader of my country." We used to live in a world where it was a common assumption that person with Obama's background couldn't be the President. Thank God we no longer live in that world.
Today is the day where I don't have to wait to tell someone they can do whatever they want. Today is the day when I can tell my nephew he can become the President. That reminds me... I really should call him and tell him that. He can stick with his dance career, but that's totally up to him.
Go Blue Hens!!! It's a Udel thing.
Mr. President
(Don't tell the hubs, but the new tv photographs much better than the old tv )
Jax and Jewels wanted to grab a piece of the political action:

Your nephew is very happy about President Obama. In fact, when he won the election he said "Mommy, Obama is just like me. His mommy is white and his daddy is black. So can I be President when I grow up?" My response was "You can be anything you want to baby if you work hard enough." Just a few years ago I would have been telling a hopeful lie. Today I speak the truth. Go Obama!
ReplyDeleteThis post is so inspirational! I love the UD reference!! Did you go there?