Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's beginning to look like Thanksgiving!

What? That's not how Thanksgiving looked for you?

Oh. Maybe someone in the house has a problem. I swear it's not me. All I did was finish a bottle of wine and then two stiff vodka and cranberry drinks to polish off that bottle of Ketel One. That took me the entire four-day weekend to accomplish!

Honestly, I'm just prepping for Christmas because that's when I'm around my family next and I need to be consuming an alcoholic drink at every moment to cut down on those, "when are you going to have a baby," conversations! I hardly ever drink and now that I'm done training to run a marathon I need to train to run the marathon of baby questions that are aimed for my almost 29 year-old self!

For the record, I'm an old fashioned black label type of Jack girl. The single barrel stuff almost burned a hole through my throat. I can't believe the hubs bought himself the "whole Family of Jack" as a Thanksgiving present. Actually, buying it I'm not surprised by, but calling it a "Thanksgiving present" threw me for a loop. Who gets presents on Thanksgiving?

Any tidbits on getting through the holidays? Have a good Jack drink recipe?

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