The hubs and I met up with my best friend and her boyfriend out at Deep Creek State Park in western Maryland over the weekend. My best friend and her boyfriend go camping quite often and this past weekend was the first time the hubs and I were able to join them.

Yes, I may hate pink, but I have a purple tent. Go figure.
The day started out cloudy and cool on Saturday, but the sun came out later in the day.

The hubs is secretly wishing he brought his fishing gear.
Once the sun came out everyone jumped into the water. I'm the world's worst swimmer, so I barely went in the water. I only went in due to peer pressure and well, I didn't want to be the only person hanging out on the boat all day.

He's such a ham.

This is the good life.

Now, only if my skin didn't hate the sun, then this would have been a perfect day. I'm kidding, it was a great weekend. Maybe next time we can go hiking and do a few more traditional camping activities.
Awww looks like a great relaxing weekend for you and your hubs! Love that black and white pic on the boat!