After years of complaining about my husband going to the same spot every year and backing out of last year's trip to Sin City, I finally made it to Vegas. Sure, I huffed and I puffed about not wanting to go, but at soon as we rolled into BWI I was incredibly ready for vacation. Then, I lost both my boarding pass and driver's license for a whopping 95 seconds in the airport. Whew! That was almost a bad start to the trip!
Without further ado, here's a few pictures from the trip. I will be totally honest, I was completely blown away by the amount of Christmas decor in Vegas. For some strange reason I thought such a hedonistic place would be devoid of all references to the birth of Jesus Christ. Then again, prostitution is in the bible, so maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised to see a few Christmas trees here and there.

It was a fantastic trip and I honestly might go back again. Not next year (it's my turn to pick the destination!), but certainly again in the future sometime. We've got nothing but the rest of our lives to head on back there.
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