She loves pink and I hate pink (the color, not the singer).
She has curly hair, whereas I have poker straight hair.
She has curves and I only have one (my bum).
She's shortish and I'm tallish.
She has a great voice and my only chance of getting on American Idol is to be one of those horrible people the judges make fun of in the first few episodes.
She's a girly girl and I'm a tomboy.
She snorts when she laughs and I make fun of her.
She loves strawberrys and I hate them.
She likes rap and R&B and I like rock alternative and country music.
She was a cheerleader in high school. I don't even have to dignify that with a response (I'm kidding!).
Even with all of those differences aside, we're totally related and there's no denying that. For her wedding over the weekend I sucked it up and just went with her pinkness overload. Seriously, she wanted to have her bridesmaids wear pink dresses!
Hanging out in the church while portraits were being taken by the wedding photographers. Aunt Ev got in on the pink action.
Seriously, everyone had some pink!
My sister, nephew, and me hanging out in the bridal suite.
My new brother-in-law popping the bubbly.
Yes, the hubs was making fun of me because during the reception my sister's kick butt photographers put up a slide show of some photos they took earlier in the day. In essence I was taking pictures of pictures. Lame, possibly, but the photos were amazing (um, the ones the pros took, not so much on mine)
I could post even more pictures, but I'll wait to reveal the pro pictures. Based on the few that I saw I know that they are going to be top notch and nothing I could share would do my sister's wedding any justice. The weekend was so crazy that I didn't even get a single picture with my mom. I can't believe that, but my SD card doesn't lie.
The next morning everyone who stayed at the hotel had breakfast together. I didn't even know that a Nintendo DSI could take pictures. Apparently, my nephew wasn't playing video games like I suspected all day. Instead, he was taking pictures of his mum getting married and wanted to show her the next morning. Seriously, how cute is that?
It only took me two showers to get all the hair spray and gel out of my hair! I was a little worse for the wear the next day and I wasn't happy about spending five hours in a car to get back home. Have no fear Aunt Ev, the pink flowers are still alive and they're in the vase you gave me. The hubs said the vase is really pretty and we should use it more often. I told him one way to get more use out of it was for him to buy me flowers more often. We'll see how that goes.
I will definitely be posting a link later in the week for the pro pictures. You'll get a pink overload when those photos come in!
Jean and Shaka, I hope you two are having a wonderful time traveling to and in Hawaii. D and I were so happy and proud to be a part of your wedding, but we're even more excited to be a part of the rest of your lives. I'm giving you a few months of non-baby talk and they you better start pumping out a kid so mom, dad, grandma, Oma and everyone else gets off my back!!!
Wow what a fun and beautiful wedding! You looked great! And your sister and her new hubbie are one adorable couple. Congrats to all.